Sunday 1 May 2011

I love holidays!

Well, Easter is over for another year. I had six days off and man, was it relaxing. I revelled in doing stuff-all the whole time. I did do a little skateboarding and worked on my wifes' dirt bike, but apart from that...., nothing!
It might sound strange to some people (my wife included), that I can veg-out like that but when you work the hours I do, sitting around staring at the walls can be quite attractive at times.
Now it's over and I'm back at work I can appreciate that I should have done a little more on my break. oh well, what's done is done and as much as we would sometimes like to go back and do-over, we can't and just have to accept it. Ahhh, hindsight is a wonderful thing.

That's all folks. The Tow Truck Guy.

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